Meet the Director

Ileana Gallego welcomes you to our chapter web site!

“As a new director and a mom to many little children, I kindly ask for patience, grace, and prayers for the success of our new chapter. I have been homeschooling since 2017 and my family did 3 Tours of CSH before moving to Ave Maria. Looking for a catholic educational co-op and finding none, I revisited CSH and received all the support needed to take on the task of directing a new chapter.

Joining our team are very talented and seasoned mothers who are passionate to get our chapter up and running and we all look forward to making long lasting friendships, and fun memories.  We are very excited to have a classically catholic program that offers all the flexibility and structure us homeschoolers crave! I pray we have a great time learning together and growing in virtue :)

Sincerely, Ileana”